Practise Exorcism to Boost up Productivity

Exorcism and productivity…? The title sounds too weird. No logical mind will ever believe in bad spirits and exorcism kind of things. But here I am not talking about bad spirits in its conventional sense. I am talking about the bad spirit that stays within us; and that is FEAR!
Yes, fear is a bad spirit in itself. Often it has been found that fear creates hallucination and shows spirits. And it is quite true in a practical sense. You may not be seeing a shadow figure, but ghosts can come in many forms. The ghost of being unproductive and jobless is a terrible ghost; isn’t it? Once I read in a newspaper about a girl who lost her job but kept 'going to work', because she was too afraid to tell her parents about it! They discovered the truth after one and a half month!
Fear is a thing that actively changes our psychological state, making us do what we are not supposed to do in a normal state of mind. Fear makes us feel less secure and we become too selfish, even inhuman sometimes. It affects productivity because our efforts get blocked with the fear of failure. Fear actually possesses us like a ghost. The effect is not merely psychological; it shows physical symptoms when the intensity or duration of fear increases.
So, how to exorcise? 
You will often see people who are born with difficulties in their body or mind, but still they are able to do something amazing. So, we have stopped using the word ‘disable’ and now we say ‘differently able’. Actually we all are able or disable in our own way. For some people, the difficulties are quite apparent and discernable; so they can accept it with a brave heart. They do not focus on the disabilities; they rather cultivate their abilities and make progress.
When we can accept what we cannot do, we can focus on what we can do with a single-minded attitude. Usually we collect inputs from others and judge ourselves on that basis; we do not listen to our own heart. I mention two quotes from a great genius:
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
-Albert Einstein
So instead of listening to what others expect from us we can focus on what we can do in reality. You are born with some specific powers because nature has created you in that way. Each and every creation of nature is a wonder! And when you deny the way nature has created you and try to adapt the way society wants you to be, it is sheer stupidity!
When you accept yourself the way you are, you can completely concentrate on your abilities and explore yourself in the best possible way. This is how you can actually enjoy your efforts and can stop being afraid.
I know, saying this is easy but doing is difficult. It needs practice. Fear is a great vice and does not go easily. But with a continuous effort you can assure that fear might come to your mind, but it will not be able to capture the mind. Tell yourself everyday that “I am capable of doing great things”; do not collect bogus inputs from outside. Then, nobody can stop you from winning!
Photo by Ahmed Adly via


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