How to Handle Random Thoughts

Often random thoughts disturb us and affect our concentration while we are at work. This is a common phenomenon which happens to everybody. How you can manage your mind and its random workings defines how productive you can make yourself.
Thoughts often flow like the wind. This is a phenomenon of the mind. While you are working beside a window, even a gentle breeze can scatter the papers on your table. What would you do then? You will not struggle with the breeze. You can close the window but it will give you a suffocating environment. The best thing to do is to use a paperweight.
The same thing we have to do with our thoughts. If we struggle to stop them it will be the same as closing the window. If we pay attention to them they will disturb us. The right thing to do is to do nothing; neither pay attention, not struggle to stop. This determination of doing nothing functions like the paperweight.

If you practice meditation daily, you will learn to observe and handle your thought patterns. Meditation is not a tough thing practised by Yogis only. Anybody can practice meditation anywhere. Just sit in a calm posture with straight, but not strained back. Keep your hands on the lap. You can use different mudras (finger gestures) for meditation (you can learn about mudras in detail on the internet); but keeping the hands relaxed with the palms facing upward is enough. Now breathe in a relaxed way and focus on your breathing. Thoughts may come and go; do not worry about it, neither force yourself to stay focused. You can even lie down in a relaxed posture and meditate. If you practice it regularly, you will develop a general calmness which will keep you steady at work.  


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